"In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette,

which provides the meaning of life and art.

It is the color of love.”

~ Marc Chagall

Welcome to my Blog!

The i heart collectibles™ web site is being forwarded here until the e-commerce web site is completed.
If you see something you would like to purchase, you can reach me @ iheartcollectibles@gmail.com

~ Trisha

Polymer Clay Collective Conversation (Interview)

The Polymer Clay Collective group on Facebook has a guest spot feature called “Polymer Clay Collective Conversations” wherein members of our group will share details about themselves and their clay experience through a series of questions. Here is my Conversation: 

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Polymer Clay Collective: Tell us a bit about where you live.
Trisha: I live on the East side of Phoenix in Arizona. This will be my fourth summer since I moved here in 2010. There is one thing I would like to correct about what is said about Arizona, and that is “It’s a dry heat.” True, for the most part – except during the hottest months of the year (summer months) we also have Monsoon Season – which brings a lot of humidity.

Polymer Clay Collective: What do you do when you’re not polymer claying?
Trisha: Besides the normal stuff, such as housecleaning – I love to cook. I also love playing my guitar. My favorite pastime has been collecting small rocks – usually at the ocean. I’ve yet to find a good place for that in Arizona. I also like to draw and paint, and I make unique wooden collectibles that can be seen on the blog this article is attached to.

Polymer Clay Collective: What did you want to be when you were little, and do you think you ever will be?
Trisha: What I most wanted to be when I was a child, was a mother. That dream has been fulfilled, having six intelligent, beautiful children from a previous 21 year marriage – all grown and on their own now. Other than that – I wanted to be a cartoonist. Though I’m not a professional cartoonist (ie: one who makes money at it) I do draw cartoons and share them on my web site at www.tskitoons.com (Note: Most cartoons on the site are not for children. AND, I have not added much to the site recently, as I've been busy with other things.)

Polymer Clay Collective: Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know.
Trisha: I can talk like Donald Duck. (lol)

Polymer Clay Collective: Tell us your polymer clay story: What made you first try polymer clay, and how long has PC been part of your life?
Trisha: In a desire to expand my ‘art’ and do something new – I came across Polymer clay art via various web sites and blogs. My oldest sister has made things with polymer clay (mostly miniature fruit and veggies) and I had always said “She’s so good…  I could never do that!” However, if there is one thing that maturity, and life in general, has taught me, it is to never say “never” or “can’t”, because you really don’t know unless you try. So, I bought some basic supplies: clay and a few tools – and went for it. I got a lot of inspiration by watching tutorials on YouTube, and browsing polymer clay bloggers. I have been working with Polymer clay a little over six weeks now.

Polymer Clay Collective: What is your favorite PC technique?
Trisha: I don’t necessarily have a particular ‘technique’ when making my creations. However, the process I follow almost always starts with sketches of what I want to make. Sometimes the first time I make something, it doesn't turn out well. But even mistakes are valuable learning lessons that I often apply to the next time. 

Polymer Clay Collective: What are your art/design inspirations?
Trisha:  I get inspiration and ideas from various places – from browsing online to browsing art & craft stores. I never try to copy someone else’s work, but will get inspired or ideas by seeing what others are doing. Very often, my art and design inspirations come from silly thoughts or ‘puns’. I once made miniature tubes of “Ben Gay” for a few family members, based on something funny that happened to them. They loved them!

Polymer Clay Collective: Show us something that  you've made with polymer clay.

Trisha: Here you go! 

"Would you like some cheese?"
Sam - a Dachshund puppy.
Love Birds

Polymer Clay Collective: What tip would you give to someone just starting out in polymer clay? 
Patricia: Whatever you do, have FUN with it!! Don't compare your creations with others, because everyone has their own style. And - if at first you don't succeed - try, try again! Mistakes aren't mistakes - they are learning lessons! If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a time out. Sometimes a break gives you a fresh perspective and is all you need. 

For more of what I make, please feel free to browse my (this) blog!

Thank you!   ~ Trisha

Additional question for the next Polymer Clay Collective Conversation:
So far, what is your favorite Polymer clay art? Canes? Animals? Fantasy?


  1. Great advice to someone just starting out!

  2. Enjoyed reading your conversation, and your cute clay critters! :)
