"In our life there is a single color, as on an artist's palette,

which provides the meaning of life and art.

It is the color of love.”

~ Marc Chagall

Welcome to my Blog!

The i heart collectibles™ web site is being forwarded here until the e-commerce web site is completed.
If you see something you would like to purchase, you can reach me @ iheartcollectibles@gmail.com

~ Trisha


Miniature Art and Artists

As much as I love painting my miniatures, I have always had a fear and aversion to painting on canvas - and was intimidated even thinking about it. However, being one who loves miniatures, it turns out that painting on miniature canvases was just my cup of tea. I know I'm far from professional, but that isn't my goal anyway - enjoying what I do is always my goal. However, maybe I will improve, and maybe someday I will buy a bigger canvas. These paintings are 4" (2x2"), and the miniature artists are 1¼" tall.

My 'Roly Poly™' artists with their newest paintings.
This painting is 2" x 2".
This artist is 1¼" tall.

At the Miniature Art Gallery Show...


Mini EggCentric's Beach Party

The Mini EggCentrics at the Beach.

Each Collectible here is just under one inch tall.


Where's Waldo Jr?

Hanging out with his bumble bee and ladybug friends.
Waldo Jr is just under one inch tall.


New: Mini 'EggCentric'™ Collectibles

This Beach Chick is the first addition to the Mini 'EggCentric'™ Collection. 
She is just under one-inch tall.

For size comparison:
Seen here with the 1 ¾" Original EggCentric™ Collectibles.